Compliance and anti-corruption

EDN Abogados advises local clients on matters of corporate governance and compliance, as well as on matters related to Law No. 20.393 on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities, and its amendments.

Regulatory compliance is an area of legal advice of fundamental importance in developed countries and that in our country and the region acquires increasing relevance. Globalization, international standards imposed by the practice of transnational companies, the country’s participation in international agreements (e.g. OECD) and the enactment of internal regulations, such as Law No. 20.393, which established the criminal liability of legal entities, are the source of this new paradigm of understanding of the corporate and business world.

The internal control system is based on the compliance program, which is implemented in areas such as corporate criminal law, free competition and consumer law. At EDN Abogados we assume the implementation and annual or biannual update of the program and we provide the resources to instruct the company on the matter.

The incorporation of a compliance program in the business culture and practice allows companies to generate business models aimed at preventing risks, opening doors to business opportunities with companies with more demanding standards in the field, nationally or internationally, and the development of corporate habits that strengthen business sustainability and risk prevention.
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